April 13: A Bantam Hen and Rooster

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota

1934: Will and I went to Valentine in p.m. in Elmer’s car, and as we got ready, he cut his finger badly trying to crank the car, so Dr. Wise gave him some ointment to put on it, and we got home okay.

1937: Phillip Dorian and Abernoth of Winner were here selling Singer Sewing Machines while Nell and I were washing clothes. She got the water, also Thomas got the rinse water, and I helped them get clothes on the line so they got dry. I went with Nell to feed chickens, and we counted 57 hens and 6 roosters, a Bantam Hen and Rooster. Nell washed dinner dishes and got in clothes, and I folded all that didn’t need ironing. Thomas got in cows to have calves in lot at wind break. Lee gave them hay and they cleaned the barn in p.m.

Will came back from Martin, Bennett, County, S. D. late p.m. He went Monday and attended Range Conversation Program. They studied about grasses that are adapted for range use. Citizens of Martin gave them a free show, and Farmers of Bennett County a banquet. They put in 10 to 12 hours, day days looking for different species of grass.

1945: President Roosevelt’s body left Warm Springs, Georgia and entire route going North was one of respect.