in Misc. Diary Entry

June 27 – July 1, 1936

June 27, 1936, Saturday

Was another terrible hot day and south wind quite strong. The boys had to get dinner for men who came from north of Faith, S.D. looking for feed for their cattle, that was yesterday, and Will took Ben to Mission Thursday a.m. to go to Hot Springs with Dr. and Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. James Dowd so he could enter Natl. Battle Mountain Sanitarium Hospital for operation, then in p.m. he and Thomas put up a stack of alfalfa. This day they only chored and cleaned boys’ room, took bed out and wood-work off, cleaned and painted behind it, filled cracks and started to Kalsomine and got bed back in eve. Will took Thomas and LeMoyne to Hidden Timber bowery dance. I got meals, cleaned at furniture to move in our room, painted shades and mopped floors. Thomas took eggs to store, got gasoline to clean the beds of bed-bugs.

June 28, 1936, Sunday

Another dusty, hot south wind, changed to N.E. in eve. I got meals, went to church with Thomas, LeMoyne and Mose Boyd who came from dance in Tom’s car. Will got me after church, he slept, we ate a lunch, went to Mission vs. Hidden Timber ball game. H.T. won 8-9. We talked to Hugh Barton about Employment Bureau, then to store, then to Ben’s where the Cassidy boy was doing work and getting along fine but he needed chicken feed. Will chored, we ate a bite and went to bed.

June 29, 1936, Monday

Another bright, hot day. I got meals, baked bread in p.m. from Fleischmann’s yeast. Between Will and I we got the clothes washed and dried and he brought them in, in evening and churned butter and I washed it. Will also washed dishes at noon and in the eve and after supper for I only washed separator in a.m. Henry Sell brought our bull home and had dinner. LeMoyne went around stock. Thomas got Ben’s mower and took chick-feed over and he and Will worked at mowers and he mowed in p.m. and LeMoyne tried to rake but rake was broken and Will worked at mower but did not fix it. Lewis Lattimore brought us fish last Friday.

June 30, 1936, Tuesday

A sprinkle of rain this morning so men chored. LeMoyne to pasture of cattle and to horses in Lundermann Pasture in p.m. and fences on Creek and low places washed out. Will and I left for Rosebud at 9 a.m. and had to drive in shelter of Jim Horton house for the rain, then we went to North of Brewer place and were stalled on hill in the rain and hail. Will would wipe coils but they would only get wet again so we waited until it quit, went to Hugh Barton’s, on north, let fence down then to Highway, at times through water and hail. Saw J. Dowd, Mission. Ben to be operated on today. Ate dinner and Jones Restaurant, Rosebud. Dr. Jones Violet Rays me at Hospital, saw Mrs. Everett Haukaas, to Jake’s where we arranged to go to Lawrence’s Wedding, to Kilgore, Valentine, saw Mrs. F. Krause and Charboreaus. Will got repairs for mower and rake. LeMoyne got dinner and supper. Thomas started to fix hog-fence west of house but it rained too much so he had to look after things. No rain south of Wheelers about 2 miles, for Will and I came home that road from Valentine. Evelyn Bergin was leaving hospital but I saw Mrs. DuBray, Mrs. Bice, and Mrs. Bordeaux and three more patients in hospital ward where I was.

July 1, 1936, Wednesday

Cool north breeze indoors, bright, warm outside. I got meals except dinner, for Thomas and LeMoyne took lunch and went to the Lundermann pasture and fixed the washed-out fence and LeMoyne went horseback through Jake Wisenberger’s in case any of the horses were there. Will helped me cap 2 cases of root-beer, then he went to Winner to get the car fixed at knee-action and wasn’t home at bed-time. I slept in p.m. Frank Van Epps was here looking for one of his hogs and one of Lattimore’s. Lattimores are visiting at Naper, Nebr.