in funerals

Feb. 2, 1923: I wrote biography of Papa’s life

1923 Feb. 2nd Friday

A stormy cold day and threatened to snow but eve better but so cold. Will & Jake came out and worked all day feeding stock so had dinner here at home. I staid at folks and they came back in eve. Dave and I went to depot with Mr. B. Ellsworth as he took Aunt Louisa, Thelma & Dave Dorian to train.I wrote biography [of] Papa’s life.

[Lisa’s note: Read Edward L. Whiting’s obituary HERE.]

Feb. 2, 1923

Feb. 2, 1923

1933 Feb. 2nd Thursday

Cloudy early morning but clear, cold in day and N.W. breeze. The men chored and Wm got a load of hay at Moore Creek and put some horses on Moore Creek that were at Elshires. Will went to Tates and he and Mr. went to Wood to have bills printed for sale and Will home in p.m. in time to chore. I got meals and mended and sewed a little.

Feb. 2, 1933

Feb. 2, 1933

1943 Feb. 2nd Tuesday

Was a beau-ti-ful day until in p.m. began to cloud but sun set bright. This is CandleMas or Feast Of Blessed Virgin. Ground Hog saw his shadow so back for 6 weeks [of] winter. I got meals, made 3 mince pies, laid down in p.m. W.D. and Will chored, worked at roof and east side Wagner Barn for W.D. finished barn. Will went to Whiting Store, got some mail and groceries. His leg near ankle pains, this is where varicose veins last treated.

Feb. 2, 1943

Feb. 2, 1943

1953 Feb. 2nd Monday

Candlemas Day, Feast of Blessed Virgin Mary

Cloudy most of day after sun came up and went into clouds and some rain and snow at McKees this midday but none here. Men fed cattle hay and Will and I went in our car to Carter via west road and waited a long time at Andrea’s Garage to have Mr. Test our lights but he no come so we went to Winner, left our Electric Percolator to get the Fuse and heating unit fixed at Winner Gas & Electric. Paid Real Estate Taxes. Got some things at Outlaw and groceries. The Outlaw Store is fixed different. The Serve Yourself Counters are North and South with units for Freezer Foods. Fresh Fruits & vegetables are across North Side and West, and Meat at S.W. Corner. Rest of East half [of] store [is] Notions and Dry Goods and nothing to obstruct view of all the goods. We met Lew and Bus McKee going home in their pick-up, came to weld things, bought Pork Roast and Sausage for Us and Wales. Looked stormy but no snow here.

Feb. 2, 1953

Feb. 2, 1953