November 25, 1941: Taking cattle away was on my nerves

1941 Nov. 25th Tuesday

Was 38 above when I got up at 6 o’clock a.m. and Stars shone brightly but at sunrise began to cloud but got bright again before noon and was nice p.m. I got meals, laid down in p.m. but no sleep for men taking cattle away was on my nerves. G. R. Duffy came in car and his daughter [on] horseback, they left after dinner with 35 head cattle and 32 calves and Bob DuBray helped her to east river pasture and he said cow bawled and kept looking back and Will, Roy, Drey and Bob went to Bokmann [to ask] if Drey could put his cattle in Bokmann’s Pasture north of our Big One for the night and leave his saddle horse at Pierce Place where Bokmann lives, all O.K. so men came and Bob and Roy left with cattle at once. Will got Roy after he left his horse at Bokmann’s and Bob [took] horse back after dark. Will cut the beef butchered Monday Morning by bringing [it] in, in dump cart and pulling with tractor. He put beef in shanty, chored and got in wood. Lawrence Drey, father of Roy Drey, came in car with a trailer and after dinner took a cow and calf home in it. Bob said one of calves in Drey’s herd bawled also, so we will look to that tomorrow. Mike (Ed) Colombe and Clarence Kindle hauled 3 loads hay each and finished bringing in Hay north of Sundquists so went home for this season.

November 25, 1941

November 25, 1941

April 12: Our President Is Gone

~ Boyd County, Nebraska

1921: Was cloudy and windy most of day. Will sowed oats on Will Bradstreet’s and put 100 bu. corn in granary. I washed clothes and sewed Papa’s night shirt and also sewed my finger and it made me so sick. 

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota

1935: Bright, lovely day except snow in drifts and it melted, so water in evening. The men chored and Elmer took cattle to N. E. hills, and Fritz a 4 horse team and rack. They started home with hay but got stuck in Wisenberger field, so unloaded part and got home at 5 p.m.

1943: Will and I went to Rosebud, had dinner at Dam’s Café, picked up a woman and girl walking to Rosebud. We went to the Office, and Will went in to get an itemized list of what we are to pay for rent of submarginal land, and he brought it to the car so I could sign. Nellie Brandon, who is a telephone operator, came to the car, so she witnessed my signature. We took her to Dam’s Café where she rooms in the back, and she got Patty Joe, her little girl, and Will took us to the hospital to see Harriet Whiting Hudson and 2 day old son, Michael Francis, and Vera Whiting Compton, who was very will Saturday night after the birth of a girl Adreene Le-ann, sometime after midnight, so Harriet’s baby’s birthday is April 10th and Vera’s April 11th. Jake Whiting’s birthday is today.

1945: Bright, nice day, not as cold as it has been. I got meals, lay down in p.m., and was playing solitaire between 5:30 and six o’clock when I turned Pierre on, and she was telling about Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Death at Warm Springs, Georgia at 3:35 Central time. He finished his Official business at noon and was sitting for an Artist to paint his picture by the fireplace at his cottage on the hill, when at 1:15 p.m., he said that he had a terrible headache and fainted, so his colored Valet and Filipino Bell-boy lifted him to his bed, got Doctors, but he never gained consciousness, died at above time, so our President is gone. News to Washington, and at 7:09 Central time, Harry S. Truman, Vice Pres., had taken Oath of President and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt flew to Warm Springs. She was at Tea for some organization and was called home a few blocks from the White House. A shocked world this night is sending messages.

1946: This is Jake’s and Leo Whiting’s birthday, also 1 yr. ago today Franklin Delano Roosevelt died, so this day his old House at Hyde Park was turned over to the Government as a Memorial to him, and will be a Museum.