April 15

1925 April 15th Wednesday

A nice day but clouded in evening. Ed went to haul sand and Will sowed oats and got them in. I did ordinary work and baked bread.

1935 April 15th Monday

A S.W. wind but not strong, cool outdoors. Bright. Fritz walked to store, to Winner with Thomas. Elmer took chow to cattle after he and Will screened it. Will to store in a.m. to mail letters, and p.m. he and Elmer took 2 sacks chow to Chauncey’s. Fed cattle here alfalfa. I got meals, read and we played rummy after supper for a long time, first one would win then the other, but I lost.

1945 April 15th Sunday

Cloudy, cold and started to rain and some snow this late p.m. Will went to look at cows in wheat grass field all day as 5 calves came to-day making 18 to-nite in all. Never saw anything of Van Epps to-day but their car stayed home. I listened to Radio about Pres. Roosevelt’s burial at Hyde Park, New York, the Roosevelt Estate. He was buried in the flower garden there with Hudson River rippling to the East of burial Place, this is north of New York City. The Funeral train arrived sometime after 9 o’clock and burial at once, then there was a Memorial Service at St. James Episcopal Church. Funeral Train was 17 coaches for All the Officials about 70 went to Burial, then Friends and Relatives. Ever since Pres. Roosevelt died Thursday 3:35 p.m. the Radio stopped all commercial programs and every part of the world had memorial services for him. I have Rheumatism so had to lay down, also did Will in p.m. We had chicken and broth to-day. The chicken keeps well on North porch.

1955 April 15th Friday

Bright but I feel bum, slept good last night and guess fears the night before for the pill was in glass that [I] drank water in last night and I never swallowed it, took them this day and no meat as it is Friday. Will went to Stanley’s, told Pearl to have him come down as we had calves to get in to work, dehorn and castrate next week and several jobs. He came in Truck with Saddle Horse. We are getting a lot of calves. Men gave cattle hay this a.m. I got eats but not much. Will had salmon & potatoes. I have potatoes & asparagus, apple sauce, milk skimmed, bread and margarine. Will gave a check to Assman for Lincoln rent.

Jan. 30, 1923: Papa died at 3 a.m.

Mary and Ed Whiting

Hattie’s parents, Mary and Ed Whiting,1920

1923 Jan. 30th Tuesday

A bright nice day. Papa died at 3 a.m. so Will & Ed came out to chore as Ed came on morning train and in eve Tom Ernest. Ed, Billie & Will chored and I staid [at] folks. Louise Ernest, Aldena Wollhiser and Alfred Nelson staid also.

Jan. 30, 1923

Jan. 30, 1923

Jan. 30, 1923 (cont.)

Jan. 30, 1923 (cont.)

1933 Jan. 30th Monday

Bright, nice a.m. but wind blew a little in p.m. and wasn’t very cold. I got meals and rendered lard and cut up head. Wm chored and hauled 2 loads of hay from Moore Creek. Will helped chore in morning and had dinner at J. H. Tate’s and they went to collect things for sale from Cousers to O’Kreek and home at 8 p.m.

Jan. 30, 1933

Jan. 30, 1933

1943 Jan. 30th Saturday

Was a nice day but towards [?] clouded and started to snow before dark so Will went to see if cattle coming to Wagner Shed and they were so he got in and He and I read and played rummy and I soaked my feet so we heard last of Pres. Roosevelt’s Birthday Greetings from Hollywood, Cal., Detroit, Mich. and Hawaii Islands (Honolulu). Pres. wasn’t home as he was in Africa to [meet] Big Allies on the War Front but Mrs. Roosevelt sent his Thanks. Will sawed meat, went to Whiting Store and fed chickens for W.D. gave cattle Sudan and cleaned barn. They went to Wagner Place to work at W.D.’s Barn in p.m. Bill brought Elsie and Billie home from McCormick’s at 1:50 a.m. and She swept floors and mopped kitchen. They went to Carl Gehlsen’s after supper to go to Mission to the Pres. Birthday Ball. I got meals and usual work.

Jan. 30, 1943

Jan. 30, 1943

1953 Jan. 30th Friday

Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Birthday

Bright, nice day and Dan and Will called cattle to River Pasture and caked them. They also hauled our Junk and Dan’s away to East Junk Hole washout N.E. [of] Bull Pen and Dan and Betty and Calvin last eve went for Mail and got cattle away [from] Klein’s Stacks and put up Let Down. Will didn’t feel good but first he swept the floors in room and kitchen and back Blue-room. I ironed in forenoon and finished and started to Tie the New Quilt Top and Outing Flannel Lining and Cotton Batt for a Top Quilt for Will’s Bed. Dan has his Box for Pick-Up finished. Usual Pastime and eats.

Jan. 30, 1953

Jan. 30, 1953

April 12: Our President Is Gone

~ Boyd County, Nebraska

1921: Was cloudy and windy most of day. Will sowed oats on Will Bradstreet’s and put 100 bu. corn in granary. I washed clothes and sewed Papa’s night shirt and also sewed my finger and it made me so sick. 

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota

1935: Bright, lovely day except snow in drifts and it melted, so water in evening. The men chored and Elmer took cattle to N. E. hills, and Fritz a 4 horse team and rack. They started home with hay but got stuck in Wisenberger field, so unloaded part and got home at 5 p.m.

1943: Will and I went to Rosebud, had dinner at Dam’s Café, picked up a woman and girl walking to Rosebud. We went to the Office, and Will went in to get an itemized list of what we are to pay for rent of submarginal land, and he brought it to the car so I could sign. Nellie Brandon, who is a telephone operator, came to the car, so she witnessed my signature. We took her to Dam’s Café where she rooms in the back, and she got Patty Joe, her little girl, and Will took us to the hospital to see Harriet Whiting Hudson and 2 day old son, Michael Francis, and Vera Whiting Compton, who was very will Saturday night after the birth of a girl Adreene Le-ann, sometime after midnight, so Harriet’s baby’s birthday is April 10th and Vera’s April 11th. Jake Whiting’s birthday is today.

1945: Bright, nice day, not as cold as it has been. I got meals, lay down in p.m., and was playing solitaire between 5:30 and six o’clock when I turned Pierre on, and she was telling about Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Death at Warm Springs, Georgia at 3:35 Central time. He finished his Official business at noon and was sitting for an Artist to paint his picture by the fireplace at his cottage on the hill, when at 1:15 p.m., he said that he had a terrible headache and fainted, so his colored Valet and Filipino Bell-boy lifted him to his bed, got Doctors, but he never gained consciousness, died at above time, so our President is gone. News to Washington, and at 7:09 Central time, Harry S. Truman, Vice Pres., had taken Oath of President and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt flew to Warm Springs. She was at Tea for some organization and was called home a few blocks from the White House. A shocked world this night is sending messages.

1946: This is Jake’s and Leo Whiting’s birthday, also 1 yr. ago today Franklin Delano Roosevelt died, so this day his old House at Hyde Park was turned over to the Government as a Memorial to him, and will be a Museum.