in Misc. Diary Entry

September 30: Pie Social

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota

September 30, 1927, Friday: After a foggy morning, nice and bright until late evening cloudy. Eli Snyder and Pat Karnes and Dan Wagner came, but did not thresh until p.m. Tom also came at noon. Dick Schmidt, Lewis Lattimore and Clyde Dillion came in p.m., and D. Schmidt and Dan Wagner went home before supper on account of pie social at school-house given by Ladies Aid. Bess Angel came, and I brought Louise home from school, and she and Louise went to pie-social. I just got the meals after I canned watermelon preserves and made apple-jelly and pies, some a fake and others so-so.

September 30, 1940, Monday: Rained before breakfast, quit at 8 a.m., so Seth moved more dirt on the dam on Sturdevant Place, east of the horse pasture, in River Pasture. We were notified from A.A.A. Office that there was not enough fire board, this means 1 to 2 ft. more above water that may come in dam.

September 30, 1956, Sunday: Strong south wind but bright and cool. Will and I were alone in a.m., so he cleaned the house and washed dishes. Furreys brought 1 qt. cream and Apple Pie, a large one, their own apples out of Larsons’ Trees. I roasted beef and gravy, mashed potatoes and made salad with Mary’s help, apple, pears, cherries, bananas and mayonnaise, also jell and pickles. Lunch was coffee and cookies and pie. I feel bum, so Will and I started to Abbotts to get separated milk.