in Misc. Diary Entry

September 25: Klein Store Fire

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota

September 25, 1927, Sunday: After a rainy night, a cold icy day, when rain fell it turned to ice at times and towards evening it quit a little. Ben and Will went to the store and had to go on to Wheelers to get some shells. Tom came and they went to Moon Creek, but no ducks, so all stayed indoors until late p.m. Henry went back home. Will went to Winner. Louise ironed clothes. I got dinner, started to clean 2 chickens, but dogs got one, so fried only one and made a hurry cake.

September 25, 1937, Saturday: Bright, but cool S. W. breeze and real cool in evening. I got breakfast, and Will varnished 3 chairs, and Wm Van Epps rode around stock. We went to Mission, got there just as the Big Shots of W.P.A. were coming in to dinner at the Quick Lunch or Checkerboard Café, but we managed to eat our dinner, then Will and I were to go to the Dedication of Hall at Mission, but he was somewhere so I had to go in alone, a job I hate worse than sin, that is to go to a public gathering alone, but he came later and got a seat ahead of me. We went to the ball-game, and I visited with Louise as they were there. We came home to chore and went back to a show.

September 25, 1938, Sunday: A strong south wind, quite dusty. I got the meals. Will took me to church at 10:30 a.m. and got me again at noon. Ben Clausen was along with him. Sam Boyd came with their car, and he took Narvin to Winner to see Albert Nelson at General Hospital, but stopped at Nelson Bros. Ranch. Albert had died at 2 p.m. yesterday, so Narve and Sam went on in to see him and were back here at 10 p.m.

Lemoyne went to the store in p.m. on horse-back. Edgar Leihman of Mission, who is helping at Furreys, came with them this p.m. Ben said they all stayed for a bum supper. Furreys took home the desk that used to belong to our folks, also all the pictures of the hold home and folks, also Louise’s other keepsakes, and we looked them over in p.m.

September 25, 1948, Saturday: Bright but cool day. Will and Joe fixed the tractor, and Joe took tractor and sled to McKee’s in p.m. and came home to get the mail. Elva brought milk and cream and cleaned her home, was up here in p.m.

Last night, coming from Valentine we saw lights in the distance, was Klein’s Store burning down. All the neighbors were there, but Kleins were all at Winner at a football game, Winner vs. Pierre, Pierre won 18 to 0. Some men stayed until Kleins came back, and Hank Haukaas brought his sprayer, so put the fire under control, and a real rain at 4 a.m. simply drenched everything, so no more fire at Klein Store. Saved the Light Plant and fuel barrels, and gas tank and pump were not hurt. The propane tank jumped around and exploded in the field west of the store, caused a lot of excitement. All of the folks who went to Kleins today to trade were surprised there was no store.