in Misc. Diary Entry

September 17: 30 Pounds of Cabbage

~ Boyd County, Nebraska

September 17, 1921: Was a bright day all day. Will plowed on Bradstreets all day. I baked bread, made butter and mopped and gathered tomatoes. The Boyd Co. Fair is on at Butte so chores today. Sherlocks went up with exhibits and got prize on Peanuts, sweet potatoes and corn.

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota

September 17, 1930, Wednesday: After a cool night, was a bright nice day, cool indoors but hot when I hung out clothes in the afternoon, which I washed this a.m. First time I heated water for washing on range this season, and none too hot.

September 17, 1934, Monday: A strong north wind in the night, cloudy, cool north wind and changed to N.E. Maggie did the work of meals, sweeping, bed-making and feed poultry and gathering eggs, and cut 30 pounds of cabbage into Kraut. I cut the green tomatoes for pickles and preserves and wrote in diary to date. The men stacked thistles until noon.