in Misc. Diary Entry

August 28: Practiced a Mock Wedding

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota
August 28, 1927, Sunday: Bright, hot day. Ben, Henry and Lawrence went to O’Kreek last evening to a dance, so they are dumpy this a.m. After dinner, Lawrence went home and was not back at bedtime. Ed and family, Jay Tate and Sam Cook were here today, and Will and I took Jay Tate home and stopped at the store on our way back and got groceries and home late evening, and I got a lunch, and all the men are upset because I want a higher school at Hidden Timber and am in for making Mr. Morford prove his charges against the referendum, but I guess the day was spent in vain.

August 28, 1929, Thursday: A bright, nice day. Roy went around stock and to Lattimores to help thresh after he and Nellie went to the store in Wm Whiting’s car, for Dave took his car to Rosebud Fair and he went alone, and Harry came and took Louise to the Fair. This is her birthday day, and Mesdames Smith, Schmidt, Lenny and son Franklin, Snyder and daughter, Gwendolyn, Fitch and daughter Bernice, Wheeler and daughter Lysenia, Hoon, Corey and Daughters Gladys and Maxine, Daywitt, Madeline Wagner and Mrs. (Ben Fitch’s niece), Burning and daughter and Mrs. Hoon. We practiced a Mock Wedding and tied a quilt and so much fun, but no Louise, so they will come again on Sunday. Will mowed hay.

August 28, 1930, Thursday: Sun shone in a.m., then clouded and rainy, very cold in p.m. I nearly froze at Rosebud Indian Fair where Ben, Wm and Will and I went in p.m., for the men put up a stack of hay in a.m., and we stopped at Wheelers and left a little present for Margaret Schmidt’s shower this p.m. Wm stayed at the Fair, and Will, Ben and I came back at 10:15 p.m., so went right to bed. Dave and Lee were here at noon, and all went to Fair, also.

August 28, 1941, Thursday: Bright, cool after a few clouds in morning, but hot in p.m. I got breakfast, and Seth chored. Will washed car last evening. We went to Mission, got a few things, then to Rosebud Park where Furrey Family were waiting to eat dinner. We all ate, then to Rosebud Fair Grounds, where we parked side by each. Harry and Will went to Grand Stand, and the children walked around and Louise and I visited, watched broncho riding, also calf roping, ball game Mission vs. Winner, Mission was the Hidden Timber team. Winner won. Winner Band, Trick Roping, Knife Throwing, Trick Horse and some nice singing by Indian Men and an Indian Girl, Rosa Desersa of Rosebud, singing was nice. Will and I ate supper at a tent café on fair grounds, went to Rosebud to get gas, got Tom Whiting and came home, got here at 10 p.m.

August 28, 1942, Friday: I got in water to soak clothes and fill boiler and started the washing machine motor, first time since we owned it, but when I stopped it to put hot water in, I couldn’t start it again, so I had to wait for Will at noon.

August 28, 1944, Monday: We went to Winner, had dinner at Ryan Café, got bond fixed so it could be sent in to get signature of company at New York City, then to Bud Anderson’s American Victory Circus north of railroad tracks on grassy plot. It was enjoyable for me. The tent was crowded to overflowing, but Will did not like it. We saw Van Epps, Gehlsens, Pierces, Abbotts, Claude Sully got our ticket so we got in, in a hurry, and nice reserved seats.

August 28, 1954, Saturday: Bright day, so after a damp morning Will and Dave went to mow on Scissons and submarginal land north of Scissons. In p.m., Dave worked on some repairing and went on Cookie, spotted a horse of theirs, went to Big Pasture to look over cattle in p.m.

Will, Jeanne, Jack, Cherrie and I went in our car to Valentine to get Will’s hair cut and repairs for mowing, groceries and a rug for Harry and Louise’s 25th Anniversary, September 2nd, and we will go tomorrow to their place. I got trimmings for Birthday Day, Louise’s 52 years, and made a 2 layer cake with chocolate filling, also an angel food for 25 years Anniversary, but no powdered sugar, so no icing. I got some in town. Us and Parkers got groceries and had lunch of popcorn, hamburgers, pop, ice cream cones. We ate on the way home.

Came home at 12:30 a.m. I was too all in to ice the cake, so gave Will a pork chop sandwiches, also one for me, and we retired.