in Misc. Diary Entry

April 30: Boss Farmer

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota
1939: Roy Carr came and said that Jake Anderson died at San Francisco Veterans’ Hospital last Wednesday morning, and will be buried 2 p.m. at Bristow, Nebr.

1941: Will and I went to Wood, S. D., but no Boss Farmer there.
Lisa’s Note: “Boss farmers were involved in arranging leases, distributing rations, assisting the tribal courts, and hearing complaints. Once the white homesteaders arrived, a new duty was added to this list: keeping settlers off tribal land and away from Indian cattle. Disputes arose almost as soon as the reservation was opened. The boss farmer was in a unique position. He was a white man, but he was a federal official.” From The Plains Indians of the Twentieth Century, by Peter Iverson

1946: I sprouted potatoes this a.m. and still have an awful cough and pains in my stomach, but am praying to Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini for relief.

1948: At Winner a regular downpour, water was running like a deep river on Main Street and some hail, but did not last long, and a 4 ft. fog west of town as we came home.