in Misc. Diary Entry

January 1-4, 1937

January 1, 1937, Friday

Was snowing when we got up at 8 a.m. and continued from the Northeast and some wind and cold. The men chored and went to the store, but Tom, Sadie, Bud and Stanley have the Flu and Lemoyne is home with Flu so Will, Seth and Thomas went to N.E. hills but found only a few cattle so started them home and tracked the main-herd to east of old Ben Fitch Place so brought them all in at 4 p.m. so we ate dinner just before dark. I baked mince-pies, roasted a chicken and pop-corn in eve and gave some with cream and sugar. Wm Colombe and son came to see Will.

January 2, 1937, Saturday

Partly cloudy and cold. After choring, Seth got hay from the stack on meadow north of barn and gave it to cattle, and Will and Thomas went in car to N.E. Hills and found the rest of our cows but had to bring some of McKee’s along. I got meals and churned butter but it was so cold and the dasher was loose so I had to churn but got it done before dark. I read some and played solitaire and the men read quite a lot.

January 3, 1937, Sunday

Sun shone but was hazy at times and very cold, a southwest wind but changed to S.E. I got meals, that is made a kettle of chili and bread-pudding. Ben Clausen came and we ate dinner, for Thomas and Seth walked to the Store before dinner and came back at chore-time in eve. Will visited with Ben, for the boys gave cattle hay before they left so only chores. Joe Elliott went by just before dark on horseback, going east to Bolin’s on Wrights.

January 4, 1937, Monday

Cloudy, cold and Northwest wind brought quite a few thistles and some snow for awhile and changed to N.E. in eve. After choring, Will left for Winner and was back at supper-time and he got check from F. Rohn pasture-bill to Jan. 1st, 1937 on his horses. Seth and Thomas hauled 3 loads of hay each from Hubert Moore land and they chored in eve. I got meals, put a patch on Will’s trousers that he has been trying to keep sewed since he tore shoeing the horses. I read a story also.