in Misc. Diary Entry

May 9, 1934

1934 May 9th Wednesday

Sun shone bright but was a terrific North west Dust storm all day. Paul Meyers walked over from Ross’s before breakfast and he and Elmer went in wagon to build wind-mill tower at new well and Paul took a saddle horse so he could measure the tower at the old-mill in hills and Elmer went to Ray Baileys and he had to go on to Swan Nelson’s to get well-tools and back to new well at 2 p.m. and he rode brownie back in eve and had a fever and cold on lungs and sore throat so after choring he went to bed as Paul went back to Ross’s, he walked and carried his suit-case of carpenter tools. Mr. T. H. Brewer and Son Arthur (Mike) came in eve to see if Will had room for some cattle but nothing definite for them either. I helped with breakfast and dinner but after sleeping in p.m. I felt bum so only wiped dishes in eve. Will got dust in his eyes for he went to store and on to Bryan Thiles where he got 4 head of T. O. cattle that drifted there a week ago. Mr. B. J. Wagner borrowed the vaccinating outfit and returned last eve so Bryan came for it this morning and Ora Daywitt came later to get a bottle of vaccine for Bryan. Will went to Armbrusters to look for another T.O. cow but no find and Rita baked bread yesterday and put no salt in it but Joe’s here today was fine. Josephine also did all the work and baked oatmeal cookies also.