in cooking

January 28, 1934: Fried eggs, coffee, bread and squash-pie

1934, January 28, Sunday

N.W. wind blew quite hard in night and continued blowing and was dusty but sun shone and was 9 above at mid-day and continued cold all day. I baked pan-cakes for breakfast and Will fried ham and we made coffee, then Will chored and washed dishes and I swept the floors. Will kept a nice fire and we read magazines, then he shaved my neck and himself, then got a lunch of fried eggs, coffee, bread and squash-pie. Maggie and Rita (Mike) Armbruster came from Armbruster’s where Maggie went after the dance. Carl Gehlsen and Josephine Armbruster brought them here, then they got Bud (Harold) Whiting and went to see Thomas Whiting at Rosebud Hospital. Will was choring in eve when Fritz came back. Messrs. Klein and Bartleson of South of Carter came to buy some work-horses but we have none.