in Misc. Diary Entry

January 8, 1934: Picking Turkeys

1934, January 8, Monday

A cold night, real frosty morning, bright and warm, the thermometer raised to 34 in p.m. and staid there rest of the afternoon. Sprinkled a little toward eve as it was cloudy for awhile. Will chored in the forenoon and fixed the barrel to pack turkeys. Ben came in forenoon and caught a mink so he skinned it and put it on a board. Fritz got a load of hay in hills for the stock and in p.m. all three of them picked 15 turkeys and Maggie and I finished them, to the last five, and I got sick at stomach and had to quit so when the men came in they helped her finish, that is Fritz picked pin feathers and helped Maggie wash the head & feet to last five birds. Will and Maggie hung them to cool in upstairs west room. Maggie also got meals and after supper she, Will and I played cards. Fritz reads every evening. Ben’s shoulder is better. Will is also sick at stomach this late p.m.