in farming

March 4-10, 1933

1933 March 4th Saturday

Started to snow in nite and continued from S.E. all day and was wet and large flakes so there is plenty of snow and still snowing at bed-time. Will, Lemoyne, Narve and Wm fed stock and chored and Wm got the mail in p.m. I got meals and baked bread and cinnamon rolls and still cooking lard and all played cards.

1933 March 5th Sunday

Brightened a little in a.m. but again foggy and north breeze moved some snow or else it snowed a little. The men chored and gave stock alfalfa and Wm, Narve, Lemoyne went horseback to store on to Brown’s, Armbrusters and Ross’s where they traded and then back home. Ben came and Will, he and I ate a chicken dinner at 4 p.m. then boys home so they ate supper alone, then cards.

1933 March 6th Monday

Bright warm day so snow melted some. The men chored and Narve and Wm went to Moore Creek to feed horses hay from stack over there. Will and Lemoyne fed stock here alfalfa then ate a lunch and Lemoyne went home and Will went in wagon to store and on to Ben’s where they hauled a wagon box of hay for Ben and Narve and Wm home for late dinner. I got meals and not much else.

1933 March 7th Tuesday

Another bright thawing day and some clouds in eve and a strong N.W. wind before bed-time and a sprinkle of rain so men got in small calves in barn. The men chored, fed stock and worked with bronchos also named some and WIll washed and oiled one harness in p.m. I got meals and necessary work.

1933 March 8th Wednesday

Bright, cool day, a north breeze and some clouds in eve and a few flakes snow at bed-time. I got meals and washed clothes for Narve got in most of water. Wm went to Moore Creek to feed horses hay and in p.m. he and Narve went in wagon to get a lame colt. Narve watered colts and Will slept in a.m. and then they fed stock alfalfa. I got some clothes dry. Ben Clausen came for a pitchfork. Will got the mail as road is clear now.

1933 March 9th Thursday

Bright, cool North breeze. I got meals and hung rest of clothes out to dry as I dried table cloths and pillow covers yesterday. The men chored and Will slept until noon and Wm and Narve worked at Bronchos and Will hauled feed in p.m. oats hay and alfalfa to stock.

1933 March 10th Friday

Bright until in p.m. got a little cloudy, a south-east breeeze. I got meals, baked bum-bread and fixed towels so they would dry and men got them in later. Ben came and took up all the traps and wrapped 2 mink hides so as to ship and John Sundquist came horse-back so he and Will went to store in wagon late p.m. for Will and Narve fed stock and cleaned barn. Wm went to Moore Creek to give horses hay.