in Misc. Diary Entry

February 15, 1933: Around 250 folks here to sale

1923 Feb. 15th Thursday

A bright day but early part and towards eve mid-day warmer. Will hauled alfalfa to hogs and I sewed in forenoon and in p.m. We tried to drive sows across creek but got 8 so had to load 6 sows and quit for the day as we couldn’t get Rocky. I am so tired and Will so-so.

Feb. 15, 1923

Feb. 15, 1923

1933 Feb. 15th Wednesday

Scroll to bottom of post for photos.

Bright, cool day, cool on feet on account of snow and S.W. breeze chilly. Walter, Billie, Wm and Will got in a 12:30 a.m. and they up to chore, then got ready for sale at 1 p.m. Jay Tate and wife came in first, then the crowd got here and so much things. Joy Colombe broughts some posts yesterday and some more to-day and horses, cows, hogs, machinery and poultry also sold besides post and poles. Around 250 folks here to sale and things sold fair and Tom Whiting, clerk, staid for supper and then Walter & Will took him home. Oscar Jackson came in this p.m. and walked most of way from O’Kreek and staid all night. Those here were part of families, Sazama, Anderson, Roundy, Kibby, Pitt, Gehlsen, Sells, Elshire, Ed Whiting, Tom Whiting, Ray Carrs, Lattimore, Wheelers, Oscar Ross, Van Epps, Chaunceys, Sinclairs, Tom Martins, A. E. Brown, Erban Browns, Wm Welch, Tom Colombe, Roy Galbraith, Jay Simpkins, Pat Karnes, Wm Lambrioux, Henry Smith, Ray Bailey, Wm Kryis, Kounvsky, Totton, Geo. Legge and Mr. Schnieder, Gran, Sorenson, J. Karnes, Bryon Thiles, Armbruster, Daywitt, Koepp, Walton, Walton, Walton, Bailey, Sells, Hutchins, Wagner, Clausen, Wagner, Knoll, Wisenberger, McLaughlin, Ableidinger, Haukaas, Snyder, Martin, Wright, Sully, Wright, Moore, Wright, Colombe, Jones, Goreske, Schaffer, Barnes, Williams, Werkmister, Boe, Lewis, Gibson, McKey, Corey, Nickelson, Nelson John, Nelson Fred, Clarence Nelson and Papa, Mrs. Chris Nelson, McCloskey, Horst, Hartman, Horst, Dowd, Couser, Pettit, Klein, Stroll, Elshire, Cates, Bergin, Rienhol, Jamison, Oller, Sundquist, Fr. Martin, and also part of families of Hansen, Fitch Boyd, Jamison and Marty and a lot more we didn’t know names.

Feb. 15, 1933

Feb. 15, 1933

Feb. 15, 1933 (continued)

Feb. 15, 1933 (continued)

1943 Feb. 15th Monday

Was a nice day. The men chored and Wm Van Epps got plank at Tom Whiting’s Sr. so he and Will moved hog-house to Van Epps. I got meals laid down in p.m. Van Epps went to George Kleins to play Pinocle Sat. eve and this eve they went to Chauncey’s, taking Abbotts along.

Feb. 15, 1943

Feb. 15, 1943

1953 Feb. 15th Sunday

Partly cloudy in a.m. then cold, cloudy some snow in p.m. Will and Dan gave cattle hay and we went in Pick Up to Wales for Dinner of Beefsteak, gravy, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Corn Fritters, pickles, Bread, Butter, Plum Jam, Coffee & Water, for Lunch Fresh Strawberries and Cream & Angel Food Cake. Betty and I played Will and Dan Canasta and we won. They won game 500. First time I was at their home since they moved 1 year last Oct. 13 and Dan began work Oct. 15, a year ago in 1951. Some snowy evening but cattle are all in.

Feb. 15, 1953

Feb. 15, 1953

Photos from Community Sale

Click on photos for larger images.

Public Sale

Public Sale Flyer

Whitcher House, Feb. 15, 1933

Whitcher House, Feb. 15, 1933

Cars and Barn

Cars 2

Feb. 15, 1933 photo description

Hattie’s description of two photos, above

  1. Fascinating that she kept track of the folks at that sale. If they all were buyers, I can see it, but she wasn’t the clerk, so assume this must all be from memory. And there sure aren’t that many folk who would show up for a similar sale today. The 30’s must have taken lots of them. And CASH only!!

    • Yes, I think Hattie’s memory and attention to detail must have been extraordinary! There are more farm and community sales that occur in the entries for 1933, if I’m remembering correctly.

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