in Misc. Diary Entry

Jan. 29, 1923: Papa isn’t expected to live

1923 Jan. 29th Monday

A bright nice day but cold breeze and quite frosty morn. I walked up town as Papa isn’t expected to live. He can scarcely breathe so Langans and Uncle Crist came and staid. Will did up work and came in evening for the night. Was cloudy in eve.

Jan. 29, 1923

Jan. 29, 1923

1933 Jan. 29th Sunday

Bright, cool day and a west and N.W. breeze and some clouds in a.m. but p.m. was clear and wind quit a little. I got meals and played with Ben, Wm and Will in p.m. and eve with Wm. Ben caught a mink so came to skin it. The men brought in a new-born calf but it died. Will helped chore this day and is only tired from trip yesterday.

Jan. 29, 1933

Jan. 29, 1933

1943 Jan. 29th Friday

Was 16 above, cloudy, damp so I had rheumatism in right arm but managed to knead bread. Will’s left leg is swollen for he had it treated for Varicose Veins at Pierre Tuesday P.M. and never set down. He and Mr. [Chauncey] walked a lot looking over Pierre and still he is walking here at Home and won’t quit but went to Valentine to Horse Sale, home at bedtime. W.D. chored and work[ed] at his barn, was 20 above so too cold [to] put on Rafters, worked on sides. Went to McCormicks in eve to Ralph Armbruster’s Soldier Party. I did usual work, baked bread and never burned it for once.

Jan. 29, 1943

Jan. 29, 1943

1953 Jan. 29th Thursday

Bright beautiful day after clouds of Morning, got to 50 above and no wind but I washed some new shirts, Dish Towels, Quilt Top & Lining and what clothes [were] dirty. Will put on line before they sprayed [for] Lice, Bulls, yearling calves, and a cow that was real Lousy. Will told Stanley to come before dinner and after he ate a bite had to go back to meet him coming in Klein Pasture, they back to get a nozzle [that] broke on our Sprayer from Whiting’s Spray. Dan, Will and Stanley sprayed the above cattle on a warm p.m. I am too all in to do much but I wrote in diary after clothing washed and on line to dry. Betty washed first of week and had clothes on line all week.

Men ate a lunch and listened to Radio. Will fixed Malts of Chocolate Ice-Cream, Chocolate Malt, Milk and Maple Syrup. I made banana cake so they had a nice lunch. I just started to fix buttons on Will’s new [everyday] Trousers. In eve I ironed New Shirts for Will, 5 dress and 2 everyday, Quilt Top but left other to iron later.

Jan. 29, 1953

Jan. 29, 1953