in cattle ranching

January 5, 1943: Elsie and I did the ordinary work

1923 Jan. 5th Friday.

Snowing when morning came and continued greater part forenoon but clearer at noon and again snow in p.m. and cold. Will went to help Elmer and Oscar Nelson haul corn via Ableidingers to weigh. After dinner Will hauled a load and the boys went home. I am still sick and headache, oh my! but it is tough. William stopped here hunting.

Jan. 5, 1923

Jan. 5, 1923

1933 Jan. 5th Thursday.

Bright, nice day. S. W. breeze. The men chored and Wm got water for me to wash clothes and I went to the pasture to look for Badger holes and Fred Larmer came from Furreys with word Jeanette is near death at Rosebud Hospital so he went right back and told Wm, he came in had dinner and went to Wheelers, was at Lattimores in a.m. but he no buy pigs for Erban Brown came in Wheelers truck and took 17 in to Witten[.] Wm went on to Ed’s and home in time to get in stock from field. Will hauled 2 loads oats put in stack in alfalfa field. Ben Clausen here at noon and helped with first one. Will & Erban Brown got in pigs and loaded them in truck alone and Erban has arms in sling from T.B. operation recently at Omaha. I got meals and finished clothes. Roy not here to-day.

Jan. 5, 1933

Jan. 5, 1933

1943 Jan. 5th Tuesday.

Not so cold last night so I never fired the heater last night but looked at fire at 10:35 p.m. there was plenty [of] coal. This is a sunny day, was 34 above at noon, and warm p.m. Wm Van Epps chored and put stringer in east-half Wagner house and afternoon he put in cement[,] that is plastered the foundation inside[,] and worked awhile at his shed. Will has a bad cold but fixed coop window and went to Whiting Store and around Wm Abbott’s where Mr. was husking corn, he [is] o get 2 loads to-day and told him that [they are to]  cut out cattle to-morrow. Elsie and I did the ordinary work and she ironed shirts and tablecloths.

Jan. 5, 1943

Jan. 5, 1943

1953 Jan. 5th Monday.

A partly cloudy [day] but Sun shone also so Dan and Will went to get a yearling Heifer that McKees took home last Spring as [it has] no Mother, she got dry so they gave it Milk until weaning time. We will feed [it] grain and next Summer to butcher and Divide it, half & Half to McKees. Will went to McKees no one home so Buss & family at Bartlesons and Lew at Sioux with old cows, Paulson took down.

Jan. 5, 1953

Jan. 5, 1953