in farming

January 4, 1933: Made a feather bed

1923 Jan. 4th Thursday.

Was cloudy in forenoon but p.m. bright, cold all day. The men snapped 2 loads near creek and Elmer Nelson came with corn so after dinner William took Sherlocks wagon home and Will went with Elmer to get 2 loads corn. I am sick and a headache make[s] me feel so miserable. William went back [to] town.

January 4, 1923

January 4, 1923

1933 Jan. 4th Wednesday

Bright, nice day but not so warm as yesterday. I got meals and looked in junk in west room and found my overshoes[,] also gathered up feathers that were stored in sacks and made a feather bed and put [it] on Wm’s bed. Will & Roy put 4 loads oats-hay in barn and fed calves some and Wm went to store got mail and home via can-field but no stock in field so he came back and Will and Roy thought stock [were] in field so Roy started over there. Wm put manure on hog-shed in p.m.

January 4, 1933

January 4, 1933

1943 Jan. 4th Monday

Was a cold night so I kept a fire all night[,] got up at 1 a.m., 3:30 a.m., 5:30 a.m. and 7:40 to stay up. Will had a bad cough all night so staid indoors and slept and read, got in coal and fed chickens in eve. I and Elsie got meals, we had a chicken this day. Elsie swept floors, washed some clothes. I hemmed some wash-bags out of old towels, laid down in p.m. for my throat is sore. Wm Van Epps chored, gave cattle at Wisenburger Pasture and Shed at Wagner’s a load of Sudan from the field and he put siding on east side of Wagner house, needs another piece so we will get it when we go to town. He gets kindling in, in eve and put their oil-heater upstairs.

January 4, 1943

January 4, 1943

1953 Jan. 4th Sunday.

Bright, nice day. Calvin feels bad with a cold. I guess last eve to show at Mission. We staid home and never saw anyone. I don’t know what Days Men cake cattle but it is every other day. Usual pastime and Meals for me.

January 4, 1953

January 4, 1953