in household chores

December 3, 1936: Ordinary work and road maintenance

1936 Dec. 3rd Thursday

Bright, nice until towards eve a few clouds. I got meals and Will got in water so we got the clothes washed and all dried enough to bring in but colored ones. I also baked bread. Will washed dishes at noon also the breakfast dishes but I washed separator, he hung clothes out and brought [them] in. I mopped floors late p.m. will chored in eve. Seth hauled 4 loads of hay and left last one on rack for he gave other loads to the cattle. Thomas took 4 horses on dump-cart to the store, got Tom’s maintainer and maintained 9 miles [of] road, home at dark.

[Note: To see photo of historical road maintenance machinery, visit the Nebraska Department of Roads website and National Archive photos of mechanized road grading equipment, LaCreek, SD.]

December 3, 1936

December 3, 1936