in Misc. Diary Entry

March 24: Harry Furrey Came to Visit (Somebody)

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota

1929: Louise has the mumps, and they are so sore, so she stayed home… Dave went to Haukaas neighborhood to tell them no school tomorrow. Harry Furrey came late p.m. to visit (somebody).
Lisa’s Note: The “somebody” was Louise, Hattie’s youngest sister. Harry and Louise (yes, just like the commercial) were married in the fall of 1929.

1935: The men chored and froze their can of cream, then Fritz went to Lattimores for the day. Elmer started to patch his overalls, and laid them aside as he went along to Hidden Timber Hall to eat dinner. Harry and Family and Fred Larmer stopped for incubator and ate ice-cream. When they left, he sewed on them again, then Will, Elmer and I went to Tates. They were not home, then we took freezer back to McCormick’s, on to Chaunceys for awhile, back to Lattimores, got 1/2 gallon cream, home to chore and get supper. Will took me to 10:45 Mass at H.T. Fr. Grether, St. Francis was there, for Fr. Gerhart is at or near St. Louis celebrating 25 years of priesthood with his brother, as both were ordained same day in Germany.

1937: North east wind, snow and a real blizzard, but not cold until towards evening. I got a letter from Will Monday, and he is getting along fine at Hot Springs, and I hope he can come home soon, and that his leg will be better. Nell fed chickens and went out in the snow all day, for she was sick at stomach and went to out-door toilet and got in water. Thomas chored, put 4 bulls in house-yard and gave cattle cake and some hay, and let them in barn-yard for protection. The bulls bothered around the house and I worried for fear they would break windows, but I guess it was the only way we could do it. We got meals and fixed some covers for table. I lay down in p.m. and slept soundly.

1941: Was a fair day. I got meals and cut out square blocks for another quilt, and Martha embroidered March 24, 1941 in the center of one block, for she and the children came down.

1951: Beautiful bright day, was 37 above this morning and got to 58 above in p.m., but chilly Northwest wind when riding in car, as Will and I went to Winner in p.m. to get a Number or License for 1951 Club Coupe.

1955: Dave was taking out garbage and Pretty Boy sat on his shoulder and out he went. Wind took him away, so he must have froze. We did not find him. They looked and looked for him.

1957: I will write more of Nellie’s Funeral because space at times is short. She had a brown casket, black dress with long sleeves and an orchard color on square neck line. Lots of flowers and they will be given to Old People’s Home.
  1. In the March 1935 entry for today, Fritz was Fritz Van Epps & his purpose to visit Lattimores was their daughter, Tina, who later became Mrs. Van Epps

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